Friday 28 February 2014

The Thinking Process I Was Involved In

The Thinking Process

Before I started to stitch my bag every time and before I uploaded anything on my blog every time, I thought about how I wanted it to look like or be like in the end.After thinking about that only, I started my work. When it was the last few weeks, I started to panic as my bag had a lot  of stitches and touch-ups to do.However, I could finish it up in the end as I rushed quite a bit.

Money I Had Used

Total money spent for my bag: $0

I did not spend any money for doing my bag as I use recycled materials such as my old denim pant, a shirt which I do not wear, extra cloth, my friend gave me, fabric paint which my other friend lent me and a grey rose from my mum's old handbag.



  • I am quite satisfied with the bag I had stitched as it is not only according to my criteria and wish but it is also, different from everyone else's bag as it is a reversible one.

  • I think I could have modified the size of the bag as it is quite small.I think I should have stitched the bag a bit a more greater in size.

  • I have learnt about the 'lemon law' in Singapore and how to manage my money wisely.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Its The End!!!!!!!!!!!

My Aesthetics Project Has Ended!!!!!!!!

I'm Freeeeee!!!!!!!

My Completed Bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even The Mannequin  Likes My Bagggg!!!!!!!!!!

The mannequin loooks soooooo reaaaal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 It's Reversible One!!!!!! 

I Have Completed My Bag!!!!!!!!!!!!



Saturday 22 February 2014

Me At Work!!!!!!!!!!

Me At Work!!!!!!!!!!

Soooo hardworking!!!!!!!!!! 
                                                                                                                     Very Very Diligent Pooja!!!!

The Changes I Made

The Changes I Made

While I was stitching my bag,my teacher suggested me to make the bag a reversible one.My friend,gave me extra material which she did not need to me for me to make the other side of the bag.My other friend also lent me fabric paint for me to decorate my bag.The words on the other side of my bag are "ONE DIRECTION" as they are my favourite band of singers.I think that after doing these changes,the outcome of the bag I am stitching now,would look much better than the outcome of it when it was without these changes.

My Materials

My Materials

I think that the materials I have chosen are thick and of good quality to make my bag.I also think that the colour combination is good and looks cool and decent.The grey rose I am going to use looks cool and would make my bag look fashionable when it is pinned on it.Since the materials are all recycled clothes which I wore previously,I did not spend any money to buy the materials.This would help me to learn how to use money wisely and make use of the materials and resources I already possess.In a nutshell,I think that the choice of my materials is good.

My Prototype

My Prototype

This is my prototype.After creating my prototype,I am able to visualise how my bag is going to look like in the end.I also think that the size of the bag is just right an to my liking.In a nutshell,I think that making a prototype and gives us an idea of of how our product would be like in the end even if the prototype is a simple one.


Sketch That I Chose
Sketch 1

Why I Chose That Specific Sketch

  • The dimensions of the bag are just nice for me to put in all the things I need for my Food and Consumer Education Module in Year 2.
  • The design of the bag is simple just the way I like it to be.Its appearance is cool and fashionable too and this allows me to carry the bag anywhere proudly.I do not need to feel ashamed to carry it around.
  • The word(SHINE) on the bag is related to this years orientation theme too.
  • The materials(Denim and Cotton) the bag is made up of is strong so the bag can withstand the weight of the objects placed in it.Moreover,a sheet of cardboard is placed at the bottom of the bag.
  • It is also light weight,absorbent,strong,washable and will not be stained easily.

  • In conclusion I think that Sketch 1 meets all my criteria and is a good design for the making of my bag.

My Self-Chosen Criteria

My Self-Chosen Criteria

  • The bag should be fashionable and cool.
  • It should be compact and the size of the bag should not be too big.
  • The design of the bag must be simple but cool.
  • The material of the bag must be strong.
  • The colour of the bag should not be very bright.
  • The bag should be comfortable and easy to be carried around.
  • The bag must be a reversible one.
  • The bag must be made of recycled materials.


My Sketches 

Friday 21 February 2014

Task Analysis

 Task Analysis

  • The bag should be lightweight so that it would be easy for me to carry around.
  • It should to absorbent so that it can be washed.
  • The bag should look fashionable and decent for me to carry it around proudly.
  • It should nave enough space for me place my crockery,apron,files and towels if not I would have to stuff them into the bag or carry some of the materials in another bag making it troublesome for me.
  • It should be easy and comfortable to be carried around so that it would be trouble-free for myself to carry it around.
  • It should be washable so that I can wash it easily without the bag getting destroyed in any way.
  • The material of the bag should not tear easily. 
  • The bag should be strong enough for me to carry all the necessities for my Food and Consumer Education Module in Year 2 so that  it would not tear while I am using it.

Coursework Task

The Design Task (Coursework)
In preparation for the Food and Consumer Education Module in Year 2,you are to construct a bag for carrying all the crockery towels and containers using recycled materials you find at home.You are to incorporate any kind of any form of decoration to enhance the appearance of the bag.

Its Just The START.....